Thursday, 12 October 2023 | Pioneer News Service | VARANASI
Shankaracharya of Kanchi Kamakoti Peeth Swami Shankar Vijayendra Saraswati Maharaj inspected the progress of construction of the local centre of world famous Shankara Netralaya at Tulsi Patti Hariharpur near Ring Road Phase-I here on Wednesday. Expressing satisfaction after observing the construction work, he said that the charitable hospital being built at a cost of Rs 100 crore will become operational in 2024 and it will greatly benefit the poor people of the city as well as the rural areas.
Swami Shankar Vijayendra Saraswati reached there after completion of his 100 days ‘Chaturmas’ stay in this holy city en route to his journey towards Ayodhya where he will remain present till forthcoming Shardiya Navratri. Shankara Netalaya was established in Chennai with the initiative of Swami Jayendra Saraswati in 1974 and it has opened its 16 branches in 13 states. It will be the 17th centre in Kashi. Speaking on the occasion, the Shankaracharya said that ‘Sarva Indriyananam Nayanam Pradhanam’ (the eye is the most important among all the senses). “We see the world through our eyes only so it is important to keep them healthy,” he said.
He was accompanied by his local representative and Kashi’s Kanchi Math in-charge BS Subramaniam Mani, Chandrashekhar Chandru, Vijay Kumar, Vishwanath Temple Trust member Venkat Raman Dhanpathy, Shekhar Dravid, Avinash Pandey, MK Raghu, BK Raman, Shiv Kumar Bhardwaj and many other scholars. Earlier, the local people led by chief of Kashiraj Estate Kunwar Anant Narayan Singh gave an emotional farewell to the Shankaracharya at Chetsingh fort located at Shivala when he reached there from Kanchi Math located at Hanuman Ghat. The Shankaracharya arrived in this holy city for Chaaturmas stay on July 15 last from Prayag by road.
The last programme of his Kashi’s stay was organised by Seth MR Jaipuria School near Babatpur airport, where a large number of intellectuals, heads of social, cultural and economic institutions, teachers, guardians and students were present. After reaching the school, the Shankaracharya offered prayers to Maa Sharda and performed a grand aarti. He stayed there for hours and visited the school premises and took stock of the arrangements and activities made for the all-round development of the students including outdoor and indoor sports facilities.
In his blessings, Swami Vijayendra Saraswati said that excessive hope and aspiration leads to disappointment. “Every person should do his work honestly and with hard work. Whatever results he gets from it, he should do his duty. If one does not get success as per expectation then one should try again. Effort is never futile. If one does not get a true percentage of success in any field then one should not panic nor should one compare with each other,” he said. On reaching the school, he was warmly welcomed by Chairman Deepak Bajaj, Manoj Bajaj, Shyam Sundar Bajaj, Ayushman, Director Anil K Jajodia, Principal Sudha Singh, Narendra Pandey, Rakesh Singh and others.